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                                    Santa Clara Unified School District

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                                    Washington Open Highlights



                                    24-Hour Attendance Line

                                    (408) 423-3905

                                    Please be sure to call the
                                    attendance line no later than 9AM of any/every day that your child will not be in school and leave the following information:

                                    • The student's name
                                    • Your name and relationship to the student
                                    • The student's teacher and/or room number
                                    • The reason for the absence

                                    See Board Policy for details regarding excused and unexcused absences.

                                    RSS feed for Homepage
                                    Welcome Back and Reopening Plan Update Posted 8/1/20
                                    网游加速器免费-免费网游加速器哪个好-永久免费网游加速器 ...:2021-6-14 · 网游加速器的本质便是利用转站服务项目加快,实际上仅仅提升一下你的网络空间罢了,例如网通电信(或铁通)客户玩电信网区手机 游戏。全是掏钱连接点,没有什么科技含量。 Posted 7/10/20
                                    Reopening Plan Update Posted 6/30/20
                                    熊猫加速器怎么使用 Posted 6/17/20
                                    Superintendent Kemp’s Weekly Update Posted 5/18/20
                                    School Campuses Closed Through the End of the School Year  Posted 4/2/20
                                    New! Washington Open Virtual Library

                                    Check out the new Washington Open Library page for fun activities, read-alouds, games, and other resources.

                                    CSGO 现在哪款加速器好用?:2021-11-28 · 熊猫加速器,CSGO延迟50 csgo常用的不就是奇游跟极迅么,可以试试极迅 熊猫加速器 亲测55延迟~ 超好用, 全面支持gta5、csgo、彩虹六号、全境封锁、黎明杀机、韩服/日服...



                                    Washington Open Peachjar Eflyers

                                    NEW WEB SITE

                                    The new Washington Open Elementary web site is responsive to mobile devices and accessible to individuals with disabilities. 


                                    Project Cornerstone
                                    Last week in your child’s classroom, I read the book Giraffes Can’t Dance by Giles Andreae. In this book, Gerald, a gangly giraffe, wants to join in at the dance; but all the other animals make fun of him. Luckily, Gerald meets a friendly cricket that helps him tap into his inner-self and discover his unique talents.
                                    Learn More
                                    Drama Program
                                    Each year, Washington Open presents a musical.  Everyone in the community is invited to participate and the results are truly amazing.  The talent and growth we see in our students truly makes the effort worthwhile.
                                    Learn More
                                    Washington Open Mural on Shed Wall




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